Saturday 19 August 2017

Frankenstein Halloween Treat Or Treat Tags

Please forgive me, but I think my Frankenstein's have turned out with an ever so slightly camp look about them!
Frankenstein Trick or Treat Tags Fimo FrankenstoienThe idea came about after Marc gave me one of his spare silicone moulds after I remarked that it’s high forehead might make quite a good Frankenstein if cast in green ………
Well, after a remark like that it would have been rude not to give it a try, and several heads were duly moulded and baked!
IMG_4306When cooled I used a black Sharpie pen to accentuate and add features, but it’s the lips that just don’t quite cut it.  I also think I need to invest in an extra fine permanent black marker, if there is such a thing, for similar projects.
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I used children’s wooden picture dominoes for the tag base, covered with scraps of a manuscript patterned paper, coloured over in shades of murky green and brown Promarker, and then heavily outlined round the edges.
I made life difficult for myself in having the jacket made in three separate pieces, but I thought it might add a little extra dimension, rather than just drawing on the lapels.
IMG_4324I used E6000 to glue on the rather dreamy, romantic looking Frankenstein, at least no one can accuse me of frightening young children!
I used an old fashioned, must be a hundred years old by now, Dynamo label maker to add the Trick or Treat wording, plus a little extra doodling in the background using a black fine liner pen, and the bolts in Frankenstein's neck are tiny metal eyelets.
Frankenstien Punk Rocker Halloween Trick or Treat TagI was going to leave it at that, but then in true fiddle fart tradition I wondered how the tags would look with a layer of Ranger Glossy Accents, I think it worked.
The finishing touches were made by adding an orange hanging thread with a black and green wooden bead for extra interest and detail.
Perhaps more punk rocker than Frankenstein, but I know Marc for one will appreciate one at Halloween with his bag of sweets!


  1. A Frankenstein success! I especially love the addition of the tiny spider webs. That must have been an exercise in fiddle-farting!!!

  2. Scary no ! odd looking yes lol....quite cute though!!!

  3. These are brilliant, I wish I had your imagination. Debbie x

  4. Brilliant! Hang onto the Dymo, they're all the rage again Helen.


    Di xx

  5. it is camp but b movies are camp and Frankenstein is the campiest of them all i love them they are fun and different in a good way love the bolts and jacket works great all in all i think they rock big love marc


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