Tuesday 29 August 2017

Pirate Mirror

Today, a project in progress, it’s going to be a pirate mirror for Young Master Bertie’s bedroom, hopefully for Christmas, if I can find a few more of the sort of embellishments I have in mind.
IMG_3838The wooden framed mirror measures 56cmx x 36cms and was a charity shop find for just £2.70, well, it would have been rude not to buy it!
All I have done so far is cover the frame with plastic pirate coins, the design on them is different on each side, so add a bit of extra interest as well as texture.  I used E6000 to glue them on with for an extra strong bond, I don’t want to risk anything coming off.  I used four bags of coins found in The Range (£1.25 each) and have set a few aside to add at a later stage if needed.
The compasses came in a pack of six from Poundland, I cut the top loop off each one as they didn’t really serve any purpose on this project.  I am also not too keen on the plain black sides showing, so I think they may be embellished by winding a little “rope” round them.  If I could take out the plastic fronts and then put them back (I need to play with one first) I would like to add a few jewels to the insides, but I am not sure that would be possible.
The pirate figure came from a charity shop too for 50p and is just perfect.  The wooden parrot came from The Range (£1).  As the overall effect of the mirror is going to be pretty bling and shiny, I am planning on giving him a makeover with a coating of Ranger Glossy Accents and a googly eye.
Before I can now go any further I need to collect some more pirate accruements, which may take a little time as I want them to be of a similar proportion to the coins and compasses,  perhaps an eye patch or two, a telescope, some pirate flags, a couple of small swords, a palm tree (?) and a few shells  I am also thinking that I could make a pirate map or two by rolling out piece of fimo and then drawing on it with a Sharpie pen after it’s been baked.  I have some small bottles that can also be filled with jewels and/or scrolls. With the large pieces in place, I can then go overboard, filling the gaps with jewels, chains and shells etc.  What I would really like to find is a small, toy plastic pirate boat for the top right hand corner ………. but I think that’s a bit of a tall order, but you never know!


  1. WOW lucky Bertie !! they struck lucky in the grandma department getting you lol

  2. love it need some shrink plastic to make a few things will look out for pirate ship but sure we could make something if needs be big love ,marc


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