Wednesday 9 August 2017

Walnut Shell Christmas Tree Decoration

This is an idea I have been thinking about for ages, in fact I bought the walnuts last Christmas, I just never got round to using or eating them, but this year I am starting early with my Christmas crafting.
Angels in Walnut Shells Christmas Tree Decorations I got the idea from Pinterest and really, for my version, there’s not an awful lot to them. All I used were walnut shell halves, angels taken from a charity shop find, some strong white cotton thread, a  few stars and E6000 glue.
After halving the walnuts and removing the contents I drilled a hole in the pointed end of the shell. I then threaded the cotton through the hole to hang the decoration from, this was the most fiddly part, and made my eyes cross even more than usual!
IMG_3953Next I glued the angel in the middle of the shell using E6000, because I needed a really strong bond.
walnut shell ornaments Christmas AngelAnd the finishing touch……  a bit of an after thought, adding tiny silver stars around the top of the shell.  The top middle star is ever so slightly bigger than the others. I glued them with E6000 because PVA didn’t stick them securely enough.
Et voila!  I am now bursting with ideas for what else I can put in other shells, I am thinking ….. nativity scene made using Fimo, so be prepared for my crossed eyed look to continue for a while!


  1. These are adorable! You have an amazing amount of patience and a very steady hand!

  2. these are so cute, I have no patience with fiddly bits lol

  3. love them need to make some robins etc big love marc


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