Sunday 3 September 2017

Change In Post Schedules And A Quick Catch Up

I think I am going to start posting every three days rather than every other day at present for a little while, if that’s alright.
The ideas are all still flowing, there is a long list sitting next to me at the moment, but having fun and going away for long weekends is the enemy I am afraid …….
This weekend I am in Swindon meeting, for the first time, Di and Mrs A who adopted monkeys, Hank, Marvin and Norman way back in 2011!  We have always kept in touch via e-mail, blog comments and Christmas cards, but had never even spoken in real life until Wednesday evening. It’s all quite exciting, like a big grown up sleepover with midnight feasts planned, goodness knows what the cleaners will make of three separate rooms, all with monkeys inhabiting them! I promise a post when I get back.
Also planned amongst other weekends, I am off on Sun holiday to Devon with Lu and Iris and a long weekend in Bude with my Auntie Beth, where I am hoping to avail myself of the many charity shops of the parish and look for pirate type embellishments to finish Bertie’s pirate mirror, as well as embracing the beach, good food and much catching up of gossip. 
Then, in early 2018 I will be celebrating a significant birthday …….. so what better way to do it than a week in New York with Lu ……. I booked it all about four weeks ago. Our sightseeing will be planned with military precision, but I will also be reserving an afternoon or so to find a Michael’s and at least two/three Dollar Trees ……. we would love to find a real American Thrift Store but we’re not too sure if we can pull that one off. We have guide books and are watching YouTube videos until we go cross eyed on what to do while we are there …….  but I may burst first!
But, I still need to craft and blog to keep my brain working on so many levels,  I started back in 2009 and have 2,172 posts under my belt, it’s a hard habit to kick …….. so let’s see how I go, reducing just a little to fit life in!!


  1. Can't fault you, life is for living, although would like a full debrief from your US trip obviously and lots of photos of Micheals that is also my ambition xxx

  2. What thrilling plans ahead of you....sounds NEED to fit in 'real life' in between your crafting to keep idea's floating....and once a week is better than not at all! enjoy your family time but be sure to tell us about it !! New York sounds soooooo exciting, but so are family holidays

  3. Oh Helen - I love how you check if we'd mind you posting less LOL! Having fun and enjoying yourself is NOT the enemy! It's what life is all about. I hope you're having a great time this weekend and that the chat isn't ALL about Monkeys LOL! Can't wait to read about the New York trip and all that you and the Monkeys get up to.

  4. And what a fabulous weekend we had! I think you're right to fit your blog posts around your personal life and not the other way round. It took me too long to realise that for myself and it does make for a much better and more relaxed way of crafting. Plus, we'll always be here peeking at our dashboards etc. in readiness for updates and it will still be such a treat when your posts do pop up. Am quite exhausted here Helen after our weekend - it must have been all the racing around local beauty spots and shopping centres that totally wore me out :) I just read that next year they will rethink the traffic situation for the half-marathon as folk truly were caught up in gridlocks for up to two hours!


    Di xx

  5. Love hearing all your exciting plans for the next wee while! You're very good to post more than once a week, I love your take and ideas using affordable crafty bits and bobs, thanks for taking the time to blog!! :^)

  6. Hi Helen - I'm thrilled that you will be continuing to post!! Here is a link to "best thrift stores" in NYC!!

    You may be able to do some searches in MapQuest or something similar where you can enter the address of where you will be staying and look for thrift stores within so many miles. I'm sure you will have a fantastic time and better bring extra suitcases since I'm sure you will be taking a lot of goodies back with you!
    Silvia (from Kansas)


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