Monday 20 November 2017

Guest Crafter – “Auntie Beth”

I recently spent a long weekend in Bude, staying with my “Auntie Beth”. 
Her house is a five minutes walk from the beach, and full of her seasidey craft creations that I thought I would share with you.
Beth has experimented with a few embellished, jewelled mirrors and picture frames, some of which I have featured in the past.
And while I was there she was also experimenting with decorated pebbles, decoupaging them with scraps from her completed colouring book pages and then varnishing over them.
beth stone
I understand that Hide and Seek Painted Rocks is the latest world wide craze that’s now hit the UK, in fact  I spotted a ladybird painted pebble that had been left on the beach while I was there.
The charity shops of Bude also yielded their treasures, Beth found this real porthole in one of them, it was ***** heavy but perfect for her seaside abode. I am not sure what she paid, but it was a real find, but I could see Marc taking real a fancy to it!!!!
frozen dress
My “find” was not quite so dramatic, a H & M Frozen dress for just £2  which made a certain little madam a very happy bunny!


  1. Never mind all the beach finds! What about that dress! Great find and fits her perfectly.

  2. i love the mirrors and wall hangings auntie Beth they rock and on the subjects of rocks pebbles i like the idea of painting them in fact whilst walking a long a very stony beach in the lake district many years a go i picked up a stone to throw in the sea like one does ,but as i looked at it i i could see it had been carved in to the shape of a women wearing a very Victorian bonnet when i turned it over it had a very cheeky view of her exposed bum .i will take a picture as it looks very old it is not made of clay it is a carved stone which must have taken ages to do as its not that big , remind Helen when i am back in london and yes i lust after that porthole mirror a fab find big love marc ps i might have been just as happy to have a princess dress but thats another story big love marc

  3. What fun! Your Aunty Beth sounds fab, and so much fun to visit.


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