Monday 25 December 2017


Well, I’m in Wolverhampton over the holiday, staying with Lucy, my daughter and spending time with the in-laws, and on Saturday we decided to spend the day in Bridgnorth to blow away the cobwebs, enjoy the scenery and just mooch a bit ……..
Once again I came back still thinking what a lovely, lovely place it would be to live, and if I ever had to move again Bridgnorth would be on my list. As a family it’s a place filled with so many happy memories of days and weekends away, camping, fishing and where The Duke did so much work, the Winding House Tearooms (below) next to the cliff railway being one of his particular favourites.
It was a place we never tired of and after yesterdays trip, after two years or so, it is still reassuringly familiar and unchanged in our hearts.
The market was on and I admit I have so missed a good old market rummage, in particular Bridgnorth’s  with it’s mixture of second hand/car boot type stalls,  along with the other usual stalls selling food, clothing, plants, tools, etc..
It was on one second-hand stall in particular I had my two most brilliant finds, this Arthur Wood lustre vase for just £1 ……  which I think will be perfect in my new look bedroom (more of that in a later post) – I looked it up on e-bay and there are a few around with an asking price of around £24ish each.
On the same stall I found this small Royal Doulton Minden dish, which as you know is something I collect but still use on a daily basis, for another £1, I have never paid a price as low for a piece before …… I was thrilled, as you can imagine.
Then we moved into the High Street for some lunch and a look round the Charity Shops.  Now, I had a backpack on my list of things I need for my trip to New York to celebrate my 60th and this vintage Fiorelli was perfect, they are bags I have always liked but couldn't really afford, but this cost me just £7.50 and is much better quality than I would have paid for something new.  It’s in perfect condition despite it having some age to it, I think it could possibly be from the late 80’s?
So all in all it was a brilliant day ……. made all the more brilliant when Lu and I booked our next Greek Odyssey to Crete the following morning on Christmas Eve ……… so far it’s beginning to look like the Christmas that just keeps giving!
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas with love xxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. A very, very happy Christmas to you, too, Helen. I hope the merriment continues throughout the year.


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