Thursday 7 December 2017

Blast From The Past - Jingle Bells From Christmas 2009

Jingle all the way
A few people have said that they have looked at my blog for Christmassy ideas. This has got me racking my brains for all the little things I have made over the years. I've put a few together now and will share them over the next few days.
The reason I try to keep coming up with little “fiddle farty” things is that I don’t usually send Christmas cards to work friends as they have probably already bought them from the box I leave in the staffroom.
But, I do like to give them something that I have made, that they can keep for more than just one Christmas, unlike a card that is soon forgotten.
Often these trinkets cost less than a good card, like this jingle bell I made last year.  The bells were from Poundland, I think I got 20 in a tube (for £1 !!!!), all I had to add was a length of burgundy ribbon, for a loop and a bow, and a punched tag on which I wrote,  “….jingle all the way”, and then attached to the top of the bell.
I made small boxes, using brown Kraft card, which I love to use, and my box maker (the first few were a bit trial end error, but when I got the size just right, I made a template to use over and over again).  The final touch was tying the box up with soft parcel string. I am useless at costing, but I bet this cost me less than 50p to make.


  1. What a gorgeous idea! Thank you so much for sharing it. I work in a Reception class and your idea will certainly come in handy very soon. I now need to go to Poundland quick!

  2. I love the idea of giving a little handmade item, rather than a card, to special people. I still have items people gave to me years and years ago. When I display them at Christmas, they bring back memories of those who made them.

  3. love your idea of re-visiting old posts.... I often look for idea's


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.