Thursday 14 December 2017

Blast From The Past - Sizzix Christmas Favour Box From Christmas 2013

I have been wracking my brains trying to think of a festive idea to use as a gift idea for all the bags of starlight mints I bought back from Las Vegas …..that filled my suitcase to bursting point!
Christmas Favour, Sizzix Shaker BoxAnd then I remembered my Sizzix Bigz XL Shaker Box Die (Item # 655134), that hasn’t seen the light of day for at least two years!!!  OMG, it was perfect!
Sizzix Shaker BoxSizzix Shaker Box die.Sizzix Shaker Box, Starlight mints favour box
I used it to cut the red striped card from Payper Box I got a few weeks ago which just spelt Christmas to me!  Not wishing to waste any scraps, I stuck the piece that came from the window in the bottom of the box as a background to the sweets.
Sizzix Shaker Box. Christmas Favour. Starlight mintsThe inside of the box didn’t look quite right, it needed a little something else …..
Sizzix Shaker Box Christmas Favour Box…… but it had to be flat,  so I decided to punch some red scallop edged hearts and then add a Christmas message using a white gel pen, sorted!
Starlight Mint Favour Box. Sizzix Shaker BoxI used Marc’s band idea from his Christmas cards to make one for the boxes to stop them flapping open, using a strip of contrasting red card …… and creasing it using my box maker board.
Craftwork card sentiments, stampin up scallop punchI then made the sentiment decoration using my Stampin’ Up scalloped punch, scraps of card and gold, white and silver  Christmas circles from Craftwork Cards
Sizzix Shaker Box. Starlight Mint Favour Box.The felt holly leaves and berries were from this years Hobbycraft Christmas collection  but I just couldn’t find them on the website to make a link! I think a tub of 12 cost about £2.99/3.00.
Sizzix Shaker Box Christmas Favours starlight mintsI made twenty six boxes in all, some of the decorations on the band vary, because I ran out of the holly, so it was an excellent opportunity to use up all my other bits and pieces that have been hanging around in my Christmas embellishment box for far too long!


  1. love thm all well done you big love marc

  2. Hi Helen. Great boxes. I think the band is a really good idea for closing these. I also like the way you used the window off cut in the bottom of the box, it just adds a little bit of colour. The band is good for using up those bits and bobs that you have lying around. Have a good weekend. Take care.

  3. beautiful boxes for your sweets lol.....they look fab and great to use up scraps

  4. Ooh, Helen, I have just had a right old panic, thinking you had stopped blogging and closed your blog down. Then I realised I was searching for fiddle faddle, oh the relief when I found you again :)

    I blame it on my BIG birthday which happened earlier this week; clearly I have been left with the onset of saga moments.

    I love the wooden card by the way and I feel an urge to go to Dunelm, I wonder why!!

    Jackie and Bob

  5. As I said back in 2013, they're fantastic! I love this idea, and it's perfect for giving a few sweets to people who come to Christmas dinner.


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