Monday 11 December 2017

My Festive Shelves 2018

I spend far too much time for my own good drooling over the Christmas shelf displays on Pinterest ………..
I think I am slowly getting there, but it’s a lot harder to put a whimsical shelf together than I imagined.
I would dearly love to go totally and truly vintage, but that’s never going to happen, so building on from last year I have added a few more bits and pieces, mostly new but adding a few charity shop finds here and there when I find found them as these tend to be a little more quirky.
I have gathered enough stuff for the three shelves that are spread over three of the walls in my lounge sitting area. I think it will always be a work in progress, new things will be added and others replaced I am sure, and then perhaps in twenty odd years time it could be called vintage!!!
The shelf unit in the kitchen area (over the sink) of the through lounge  has also undergone a festive transformation (another work in progress). Last year I just put cards in the spaces but this year I decided to make it a little more Christmassy and over the top ……… and in the evening, yes I do turn the main lights off and light a tea-light in each of the lamps, which makes me feel all festively fuzzy, especially with a cherry brandy in my hand! 
Finally, not a shelf ……. but I found this cushion in Poundland Worcester (£1) ……. I now wish I had bought a couple more, ain’t that always the way, as I love it so much, and knowing pound shops and their stock, I very much doubt  I will ever see them again …… but never say never!!!!  I may unpick one of the seams on this one (after Christmas now) to add a little more plumpness to it, but it just looks perfect on my armchair. Yes, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!


  1. I really love your Christmas shelves. How fun to put them together and even change them out from time to time. Your cushion looks great. Hope you find another...or two or three.

  2. very festive's nice to hunt for little treasures


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