Tuesday 5 December 2017

My First Christmas Card Of 2017 ……… From Marc

This has got to be my most favourite card from Marc ever …………. it’s just perfect …… all boxed and tissue papered, very Marc xxxxxx
The sentiment was stamped ……. I love the delicate font, perfect with the snowflakes …….. I think I may have to borrow it sometime next year.
The snowflakes were made using a  Martha Stewart Himalayan Snowflake punch, now sadly discontinued or else I would have been straight online to order my own, so another borrow I think!  The snowflakes are mounted on tiny foam pads to lift them up.
Marc said that it was the bow that drove him mad as it was so fine, but so worth all the fiddle fart, cross eyes and cussing!
I love it ……. and it will be treasured for many Christmas’s to come.


  1. You are so right - this card is PERFECT! I love it so much! I hope Marc wouldn't mind if I made my own version of it next year. I will be sure to make some specific differences if I do, indeed, make it. I hope Marc knows how talented he is!

  2. What an absolutely beautiful card-it’s stunning. A real Keepsake.


  3. a smiple yet stunning card, the red thread really gives it the wow....thank you for your card, love it.x

  4. A stunning card Marc! So delicate but full of charm, I love it!

  5. any one can use it add to it it would look lovely with just holly leaves and tiny red gem berry's big love marc


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