Monday 5 February 2018

Disneyland Countdown Drawers

Well, I have finally made a start ….. the first three drawers for Iris and Bertie’s Disneyland Countdown Calendar have been completed, only another twenty two to go!
finding Nemo seagull drawerIMG_6505
The number of buttons in the Dress It Up button packs vary, so I was really chuffed to get two drawers done with the Finding Nemo pack, other packs I know I won’t be quite so lucky, which is why this isn’t going to be a cheap project!
I decided to cover the sides of the drawers with washi tape I already had and stickers from a Carpe Diem Say Cheese sticker tablet I bought for the project. I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed when the tablet arrived, too many stickers that didn’t seem that relevant to what I was doing, but I am still determined to find a place to use them.
I think I can also spread the packs of Mickey and Minnie Mouse buttons out, getting away with using a few singly, and then filling the gaps with stars, flat backed gems and the larger Say Cheese stickers in the the background.  I am also hoping to visit a Michaels while I am in New York (????) and fingers crossed I can find a few more Disney bits and pieces that I can add.
I reckon each drawer front is taking me about half an hour in the first instance but then I invariably go back to it to add an extra layer of Glossy Accents, a couple more gems or just a few little dots here and there.


  1. This is going to be an amazing project. Your first two drawers look perfect! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. this is going to be stunning and a real keepsake, what a labour of love !!


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