Monday 9 April 2018

Posts As And When ..........

Oh my goodness ............ I have been soooooooooo busy and as a consequence Fiddle Fart posts have suffered, without notice, for which I apologise to all those lovely friends who always check in on Mondays and Tuesdays.

And I am afraid it's a trend that looks set to continue .....  I've had Marc over, then went to Marc's and then stayed on longer than originally planned, I had a flat full last weekend for Easter, followed by a two night sleepover this weekend with Iris and Bertie with Auntie Lu coming over to lend a hand and then there's another weekend away planned in Weston Super Mare with Bertie in two weeks time ....... and it's going to be pretty much the same throughout the year ............. as for crafting  ....... well,  it's all on hold as tomorrow I plan to start designing and then making up of a set of invitation samples for my nephew's wedding in September. With just three days to get the bones of them done, including getting out my melt pot as Amanda (the bride) quite fancies seals, I need to work with blinkers on.  There's not a great deal of crafting with the ideas put forward, but there is an awful lot of computer design.

So please bear with me. How I ever went to work, worked for The Duke, kept house and posted two blog posts every day and crafted I'll never know.  I will post as and when I can, I have photos all ready for a few projects, finds and outings, I just haven't had the time to put the words together to go with them.

I'll always be here, if only once a week  ............ it's just that life has a habit of juggling things around now and again.

There will be a post tomorrow and Wednesday.



  1. It sounds like you're having fun and making memories with the grandchildren. All much more important that posting for the likes of us in blogland. We'll be here when your life becomes a little less exciting. :)

  2. No worries, it's nice to have fun when you can, the children will grow and be independent, so make the most of now...As for friendships, look after them, they are precious and make memories for your rocking chair!! lol.
    Tilly x

  3. We have no right to expect, and you are not obliged to provide, any posts from you regularly. I personally love that you are having such a fun filled, busy time - long may it continue. I love to hear about all your exploits either here or on Monkey's blog. I look forward to see the finished wedding invites and hearing a little about the time spent with the lovely Marc. Take care Helen and don't worry about us - we'll still be here no matter how long between posts.


Thank you for wanting to leave a comment. I HATE verification and apologise for the extra bother it causes, however, if I don't have it I get all sorts of dubious spam added and the comments would be bogged down utter ***p!

Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.