Tuesday 11 September 2018

A Wonderful Bag Of Treasures

I’ve been working on Bertie’s pirate mirror, it’s taking me a lot longer than I anticipated but hopefully now he should get it for Christmas …… sneaky, tantalising pic below.
Pirate Mirror ..
I had a real good run on it a couple of weeks ago and thought I was almost done until I started to run old pearl and chain necklaces between the large gems and round the gold doubloons.  I loved the effect but then realised I didn’t have enough to finish and so needed to go hunt the charity shops for more, the mirror was then sadly returned to the cupboard.
I found a couple of suitable necklaces in the YMCA shop in Cheltenham and mentioned what I wanted them for to the lady who was serving me when she said she had a big bag of bits in the back if I was interested.  I gave a tentative yes, but when she bought it out and said that she would normally sell each piece for about £2.99 I thought I really couldn’t afford to make an offer ……
…… but when she asked me if £5 for the lot would be OK, well, it would have looked rude not to snatch her hand off.  Poor Lu went pale as I paid my money and she put the humoungously heavy bag of swag in her backpack.
It now needs a very careful going through, some bits I will use, Marc will probably be on the receiving end of a lot of the beads and other bits will probably find themselves back to another charity shop.  Treasures like this don’t happen my way very often so I was like a kid at Christmas as I looked through all the goodies within ……. and yes ……. give me a free weekend and Bertie mirror will finally be finished and posted.


  1. So looking forward to seeing Bertie's mirror in its entirety. You do find the best deals in the charity shops. I hope your bag of goodies gives you lots of inspiration.

  2. Bargain bag of goodies indeed. Can’t wait to see the finished mirror.


  3. I just love the way you manage to place things and it looks perfect. I've tried it myself and it never looks right! I'm sure Master Bertie is going to love it! I do!
    Debbie x

  4. Looking forward to seeing the mirror. I never think of giving broken jewellery to a charity shop!

  5. great pirate plunder bertie is going to be o its so pretty nanny that boy does love a sparkle you need a photo of him when he gets it big love marc


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