Tuesday 16 October 2018

Advent Drawer Tuesday

Another two Advent drawers today ………
Advent Drawer 1
….. as you can see I am still struggling with using blues and greys, but hey ho, I’ve given in and am just going with the creative flow.
Advent Drawer 4
I don’t like to clock watch while I am working, but so far I reckon each drawer has taken me approximately an hour, but that’s starting with a blank canvas each time and lots of fiddle farting getting everything in the right place and then often changing this and that, no matter how small, until I am really happy with how it looks, before finally the gluing can begin.


  1. These two drawers are so festive and fun! Can't wait to see them all together.

  2. it's coming along and maybe it will get easier the more you use the blue/grey....hopefully lol

  3. I like both of them although number 12 appeals to me more.

  4. its going to look fab you so need to sale some big love marc


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