Tuesday 2 October 2018

An Object Of Desire – The One That Got Away

I admit, I have “a thing” about mirrors and I have really tried to train myself not to look at them any more as I just do not have a single space in my flat to fit even the tiniest one in.
So imagine how I felt when I spotted this beauty, even Lu said “That looks like a you mum!” – it was love at first sight, but I daren’t even move it to get a closer look, because if I’d have made a physical connection I know I would have been a gonna!  My mind was racing through all the rooms in my flat hoping against hope for an Ulrika moment when I would suddenly realise I actually did have the perfect place for it,  …… alas, it was not to be …………… humoungous sigh!
……. And then, when I got home I had to ignore a niggling thought …… wondering if I could have removed the mirror whether it might have made an eccentric sort of wreath for my front door!?!?!


  1. The bit I've learned about you from your blog, I have to agree with your daughter. It does look like your kind of thing. But I understand your dilemma. I have to do the same, as my house is chock full of stuff!

  2. sure it would have 'come in' for some tiny space lol...

  3. Lol. To see it is to want it.To touch it is fatal.

  4. you could so make one using tin cans diys and sharpie pen big love marc


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