Wednesday 10 October 2018

Another Advent Calendar Started

I have finally got off my bum and started another drawer Advent Calendar using the last of my wooden drawer blanks from The Works (£15) ….. and my crafting area has now been declared an official tip!
CRaft Table
I am hoping to get two drawers done a week, while still working on other Christmas ideas.
Advent Drawer 2
My intention was also to work mainly in blues and greys so this set of drawers is quite different from the first one, however I have to admit it’s a hard shout as I am already finding that I am automatically gravitating towards background papers that are red and green, the idea of blues and greys just isn’t gelling.
Advent Drawer 3
But these first drawers have turned out pretty well, although I can almost guarantee that I will go back to them at least once to add a tiny bit of  something else, even if it’s just a sprinkling of glitter or a dollop of Glossy Accents before I am 100% happy.  Less is more is a rule that goes out of the window at Christmas!


  1. Looking good already - the drawers that is not your craft area!

  2. It's so much fun to see you work your creative magic on these little drawers. These first two look fantastic already!


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