Wednesday 31 October 2018

Heads Up – A Bit Of Crafty Festive Mooching in Wilko

I saw these mini jars in Wilko – 20 mini jars for £3 …………
Wilko mini jars
……. now, to be honest (at the moment) I don’t have a clue what I would use them for ……. mini snow globes for children to make or jars for reindeer food????  However, I am sure that there is someone out there who will have a festively ingenius idea which will have me wishing that I’d bought some!
Wilko Christmas Chocolate Coins
I did however buy some chocolate coins, there are 12 in a net for just 50p and come with either reindeer, Santa or snowman foil wrappers. I want to make some little favours for all the staff at Bertie’s nursery and a net of these coins fit perfectly into the mini acetate boxes (The Works 10 for £1.50) I already have. I just need to add a ribbon, with an embellishment and tag and Santa’s coming for Christmas! Post to follow when I get them done!
Wilko also had these little chocolate tablets  – 12 for £1, which I thought were irresistible too. Could this possibly be my first Christmas without  an Elizabeth Shaw Mint?  They might fit in the mini boxes too or I think I might just carefully tie six up together with a narrow red or green ribbon with a tag attached.  Again watch this space.


  1. Those little jars look so cute. I don't currently have any good ideas for them, but if something comes to mind, I'll let you know. Your candies all look so cute and festive. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  2. Love Wilko's for bits and bobs. Those jars would be great for reindeer food or reindeer noses. Will have to pop in our works and check those acetate boxes, not been for a while. Love your blog x

  3. you just know we are going to need those little jars at some time in the future remember the dino lid jars you did and loving the sweets big need to come and stay with you love marc


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