Wednesday 7 November 2018

Sharpie Pen Revamped Lamp

Someone please save me from my Sharpie pens ……….
After “tarting up” the chandelier in my spare room with said pens and a few extra drops the beads in two lamps in there looked a bit insipid …….. 
……. so I recoloured them as well!  I don’t think the picture does the new colours much justice and I daresay no one else will notice, but I am suitably chuffed. If I had the balls, if you’ll pardon the expression I would love to recolour the lamp bases from antique copper to silver to go with the other silver touches in the room  …… but at the moment I am just not that brave!


  1. I can see the difference. It looks beautiful!

  2. Yep they work. I no longer craft but always look to see what you are up to. I think your chandelier looked great and if I had a white walled scheme with bedding etc being the colours, I probably would have bought one without realising that I could have done my existing one.

    Helen, never give up, your posts keep many of us going!xx

  3. what a lovely post by Anonymous you never know how you affect other peps life for the better you do mine i love the lamp keep going with the sharpies big love marc


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