Saturday 8 December 2018

Advent Drawer Tuesday

That’s it the last few Advent drawers are in the bag …… thank goodness, it was beginning to make me go even more cross eyed than I usually am!
reindeer advent drawer
I had to re-do the reindeer drawer (above) because where I had originally positioned it was in the middle of a row and there was the distinct risk of breaking an antler every time the drawer on either side was opened.
Robin advent drawer
But the last four came together really well, in fact I had them all done one morning before I did the morning nursery run ……
I swear my step was lighter as I walked along!
snowflake Advent Drawer
I always try to schedule posts a little in advance …… so tomorrow I can finally bring you the completed article ….. my work is done!


  1. So exciting and what a feeling of accomplishment to have it all done! I can't wait to see the entire project. From what I've see so far, you've done an amazing job.

  2. looking good, waiting now to see it altogether !


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