Wednesday 19 December 2018

Iris’s Keyrings

I found this keyring set in Asda, I think it only cost £1.49 which was a real  bargain, and although it said “football keyrings” I immediately I had Iris lined up for a festive job.
The pack contained 6 plastic cases, six footballer templates (of which I made several more templates, just in case little one wasn’t happy with anything she’d done), plus six chains and rings to hold keys.
They were a resounding success, with Iris reproducing all the most important people in her life.  I love Granddad Ken, especially his beard, accompanied by Granny Denise above.
I left Iris to it,  she knew exactly what she was doing, and to be honest any “adult interference” from me would just have spoilt the innocence of each creation.
She even managed to captured Auntie Lu Lu’s propensity for a flowery top and glasses perfectly!
And as for Mummy and Daddy, what can I say?  Once everyone was done, they were all carefully wrapped by Iris in tissue paper and put in their own box with a special message (Nanny’s job) and have now been safely squirrelled away for Iris to give at Christmas. I doubt there will be a dry eye in the house, money just can’t buy presents like this.


  1. The completed key rings are so cute, they’re going to be wonderful Christmas gifts.


  2. those will certainly be treasured keepsakes.... I can just imagine Iris's embarrassment when she is shown them as a teenager !! lol
    Just perfect and well spotted for the gift potential

  3. Wonderful idea and great job Iris! Please report back on the feel good factor of the recipients.

  4. Those are adorable! Talk about no dry eyes--mine weren't dry either by the time I got to the end of your post. Iris will be so proud to give such personalized gifts that she has made. And they're very usable gifts, too. Not just for show. You are a wonderful grandmother! The little ones learn so many lessons from projects like this.

  5. thats our girl shes got her nans taent big love marc


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Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.