Friday 14 December 2018

My Festive Bedrooms

Marc and I have never been together so close to Christmas before so this year is going to be special and therefore all the more reason to make his room as festive as I can.
If money was no object II would have turned it into a unicorn palace just to see his little face screw up and turn green in horror  ……  but I am afraid as per last year it’s pretty much red and white Scandia.
I’ve changed the bits and pieces on the shelves though and will look back on this post next year as a record of how to do it all again. 
I always find it amazing how just changing the bedding can change the whole look and feel of a room.   All I need to do now is pop a few small presents in the stockings for Marc and then it’ll really be Christmas!
My own bedroom the last room to get titivated and to be honest what was left at the bottom of the decoration box wasn’t the least bit inspiring ……..

Christmas Bedroom

I’d been looking in all the shops for some larger Christmas type ornaments, a couple of years back they were everywhere but this year I pretty much drew a blank except for two wooden snowmen from The Range. (£3.49)


Then I went into one of my favourite charity shops and they had exactly what I was looking for ….. lots of ceramic type Santa’s. 

I’ll admit to being a bit anal because I wanted the shelves on either side of the bed to be more or less the identical, so finding Santa’s in pairs was more than I could have hoped for!

The large Santa candle lights were only £2 each and still had the Woolworth (????)  label on them.


I’ve put the smaller Santas are on the shelves in my kitchen area. They came to a total of £2.50.  It’s all rather kitsch but I hope in a tasteful sort of way.

So far I have resisted putting fairy lights over/round the beds (but there’s still time), however as the bedrooms are at the front of the flat I have put a curtain of stars in each of the windows in the hope of bringing just a little festivity to the rather characterless frontage …… perhaps my other neighbours will follow suit and jolly it along too, you never know.


  1. Very festive santas and do I spot an Elf!! Hugs Anne.

  2. Oh, my goodness, it all looks wonderful! I love your decorating style and wish I could invite you to my house to give me some pointers!!!


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