Thursday 31 January 2019

A Confession ……

Now, you know how much I love a charity shop, well, I have a confession …….. I have joined a few groups on Facebook related to that said “love” …. but hope, in posting this I don’t offend anyone.
The groups I have joined are Random C*** You Find In Charity Shops, S*** You Find In Charity Shops and Charity Shop S***.
I tell you what, these groups really ought to come with a health warning before joining as I have almost suffocated myself from laughter, goodness knows what the neighbours must think ….. that poor lady ….. living all by herself …..

It’s the best way to end a day, going through all the posts in bed, tears streaming down my face.

I am hoping to contribute a few choice items myself in time ….. I might even make my finds a regular post on here …….well,  it would be churlish of me not to spread the joy a little further.  It could also be a new “interest” for Marc and I when we go on one of our charity shop jaunts, Happy Days!


  1. I would love to see some of your charity shop finds, especially those that will make me laugh. And, since I volunteer every week in a charity shop, I'm going to keep my eyes open for some of the more extraordinary things that find their way there. Maybe I'll be able to share some photos on my blog and give people a laugh.

  2. OMG-o think my crazy friend has probably donated those items!! She loves trawling the local charity shops & I'm often the lucky recipient of such gifts! They usually get recycled when I’m in a different town.


  3. it makes me laugh to , there are some amazing things out there lol as they say one mans s... is another mans sugar big love marc

  4. So funny - come on - more please! xx


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