Tuesday 1 January 2019

Happy New Year - 2019

Happy New Year 2019 gif animation
So here we are again at the start of another New Year ……. my shiny, new, and, at present blank 2019 calendar is sat sitting on the table beside me and I’m wondering what exciting things I will fill it with over the next twelve months, all good things I pray.
I start the year 4 stone lighter than this time last year.  It’s been slow, very slow…… and believe me I have fought for every single one of those pounds,  but, is it awful to say that I absolutely loathe going to “fat club”? It’s just the thought of facing those scales every week that has kept me going. I have tried so many times to go it on my own, but I can’t. I only wish there was another way to get motivated other than sitting through an hour plus of members pondering as to how they are going to get through the next meal out, birthday party, wedding etc. and combing through our books or phone for an alternative to a full fat sausage roll or Cornish pasty! What am I like? My main aim now is to continue plodding but be in a size 12 for the beginning of June, when Rod Stewart is playing at The Molineux in Wolverhampton. 
I also plan to say goodbye to the colour black as my wardrobe staple, it will still be there in the form of trousers/leggings but for everything else I hope to be a blaze of eclectic colour like my new hero Iris Apfel (of her more in a later post).  I am now of a size where I can finally pick up quality finds in charity and vintage shops and it should become even easier as my size continues to go down.  I am already risking buying the odd item that is too good to miss that suits what I hope will become “my style”.
As for crafting and blogging ….. well, as I said last week, it looks like it’s going to be Christmas almost all the year round.  After a brief shut down I got my mojo back, helped also I think, by a break in blogging. I plan/hope to post on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays but without pressure, if I don’t, then I don’t.  Every second with Iris and Bertie is so precious …… that card I planned to make, it will just jolly well wait if they are around.
I will continue with my “Heads Up” posts, but need to make an effort to do something with whatever I find within a week or so, rather than put them away for months on end until the ideas I had when first getting them have almost been forgotten.
I will also continue to post my “Objects of Desire”  …….. most of the time it’s torture, especially when I know that none of the furniture I tend to drool over will ever see the light of day in The Towers, but it’s good to dream and let your imagination run wild.
I think that’s it ……. I just want a peaceful, healthy, happy year without any worries or stress  …… ohhhhh and a en-suite shower room that I can eventually use again after being out of action since the beginning of November, but that’s another story.

Happy New Year


  1. Happy New Year!!!

    Your weight loss is an absolutely amazing achievement & I know exactly what you mean about “fat club “!!

    I look forward to reading your blog posts throughout the year & I hope you continue to update us on bargains and your crafty projects.


  2. Hi Helen, first of all, a very Happy New Year to you and all your family and may all your wishes for this year come true (size 12 here you come!). I am returning to blogging after this enormous gap and look forward to once again engaging with the blogging community -and you!- once more. All the best for a fabulous 2019! Nicky of Creative Flourishes x

  3. Happy New Year, Helen. I hope you realize all your dreams and desires for 2019. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your blog posts and your willingness to share a little bit of your life with your readers. It is always inspiring to see your "objects of desire" and the wonderful crafty projects you complete. You have an amazing artistic sense and I've learned a lot from you. Thank you and again, Happy New Year!

  4. happy new year yes to all the things you said but you forgot me dont forget visits to and from me and things we will do love you big time skinny minny stay mad big love marc and co


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