Wednesday 9 January 2019

Iris and Bertie’s Hand Painted Plates & Choosing Presents For Each Other ………

These are the plates that Lu and I received from Iris and Bertie this Christmas…… I can’t tell you how much I love mine and how much it means to me.
child painted plate
It seems that on a recent sleepover in Wolverhampton my sister in law squirrelled them both off to a ceramic place near where she lives to share in the painting a plate for each of us. Poor Bertie, bless him, never one to tell a secret to, had been constantly telling me in the weeks leading up to Christmas, that he’d made me a plate and not having a clue what he was talking about I now feel so guilty for dismissing what he was saying. I, for one, should know that if he tells me anything it’s generally true and right, it’s just that on this occasion I wasn’t cued in.
Anyway, my plate is more precious than any other item on my many shelves and will be treasured and stroked for the rest of my life, as well as probably  being the source of much embarrassment to them both when I am 85, doddery and still pointing it out.
Iris and Bertie were also taken by Tom ( their Dad) to their favourite toy shop within Stratford Garden Centre and told to choose a present for each other, up to the value of £20, that they knew they would love.  It could have all ended in tears, Bertie is only two and a half and Iris 4 and a half ……. but what they chose bought tears to my eyes as they obviously know each other so well and were not chosen because they wanted it for themselves.
Berties choice
Iris is all Sylvannian Families,  ever since September and starting school all she has wanted was the Country Tree School and Bertie knew that anything Sylvannian with a rabbit character would make her very, very happy.
And in turn, Iris chose a kettle for Bertie knowing his love for all things of a domestic type nature. It was all very touching and a wonderful exercise in learning to think about someone else.  I am so proud of them both ……. sniff!!!!


  1. What sweet little hearts they have, thinking of others at such a young age. I can imagine the fun they had making those plates, too. Isn't it funny how truthful little ones are, completely unable to keep a secret? Bless them!

  2. The plates are a fantastic gift, ones to treasure. Lovely to hear about Iris & Bertie choosing their Christmas gifts-so seeet.


  3. bertie will love that Kettle and Iris well she will be playing with that for years and their gift to you and lou beyond sweet big love aunty marc


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