Tuesday 12 February 2019

Advent Drawer Tuesday

Another two drawers for you today …… I have to admit that progress on this calendar has slowed down a little, what with baby sleepovers, weekends away and my ongoing en-suite shower room drama …… more of that in in a few weeks time, if it’s finally done, but, let’s just say that I have been unable to use this room since the beginning of November…… fortunately I do have a main bathroom or I would really be ponking by now!

Two Nutcrackers and a Santa, using Christmas themed stickers from Flying Tiger and glittered Advent numbers from the Hobbycraft sale.  I am also keeping a very close eye on The Works and am praying that when they do start stocking their Christmas stuff again, usually in around May/June, they have some more of the snowflake embellishments.  I could kick myself for not buying all they had when they had their BOGOF sale earlier …… I had already bought so many, at the time I was sick of seeing them …… and now I want 100’s as they are so useful to fill up a little space.

In the meantime I have ordered a whole assortment of different frames and wooden shapes to use obviously as frames for the numbers and stickers but also act as a more solid background rather than card to mount them.  The depth also adds more dimension, and as you know I love dimension!!!!


  1. You've done a bang-up job on these drawers, as usual. I especially like those little nutcrackers. But then I love all nutcrackers and have a few I put out at Christmas time. Hope your week is splendiferous!

  2. I LOVE those nutcrackers, and Santa has a great frame


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