Thursday, 21 March 2019

Off To London and Into Marc's Welcoming Bosom

Rick, Marc’s partner is away in China on business, so while the cat is away, them mice are going out to play, so as you read this I will probably be already well on the way to London.
It’s been ages since I’ve been to London (to visit the Queen!!!) to see Marc (same thing), it’s just easier to go to the cottage in Worcester these days, however on this occasion it’s London ….. wooooo wooooooo.   Now central London has it’s many pleasures but we have chosen to stay a little nearer to home, we’re off to do the charity shops of Hammersmith to see if we can find any suitable ***p to post on our favourite Facebook page, followed by a trip round Poundland, Flying Tiger and possibly Primark and anywhere else that takes our fancy.  If we are up to it, we may also do Shepherds Bush.  I know, I know, we really know how to live …… but I have never been there and why not!!!!!  Not sure if there’s anything on in Portobello Road on a Sunday, but as it’s only about five minutes away on foot we might go for a mooch and a pint perhaps.
If we strike charity shop or Poundland gold I promise to put our joint shopping haul together for a post. We might do a bit of crafting, but if we don’t you can bet there will be much exchange of ideas and inspiration.  We will probably sup a cheeky vodka and coke but we are both trying to be good to get into tip top bikini like shape for the summer, though we might share a box or two, or three  of Maltesers (Poundland £1!!!!!) while watching awful films on YouTube in the evenings.  Happy Days

1 comment:

  1. Your little vacay to London sounds heavenly! Have fun, and share those bargains you find on your blog!! Please!!!


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