Thursday 14 March 2019

World Book Week

Well ...... what can I say ...... last week I went back to school after being asked if I would like to read a story at Bertie's nursery for World Book Week.  I was thrilled to be asked, but as I replied I did wonder what I had done as its been around twenty years since I've actually read a real live story to a group of very young children.
Sadly, because of the windy weather the mini circus tent that had been put up especially for the week had to be taken down, but a small room in the school was transformed with cushions, rugs, fairy lights and a draped ceiling, so there was still a special feeling for the little ones as they entered.
I read the Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and I think it was pretty well received. It was a story I knew the children were familiar with so they knew what was coming and could help me if I got stuck. Bertie didn’t volunteer to come in and listen, Nanny storytelling is rather lack lustre when compared to playing with “the cars”  ……. however Laura made him the most wonderful Hungry Caterpillar  outfit for dressing up day (sorry no pictures at the moment) when he certainly made the most of channelling his “inner hungry caterpillar” and looked so unbelievably cute. Happy Days.

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