Monday 15 April 2019

Marc's Shelves

I think one of the first things I do when I arrive at Marc's London flat .... after my first coffee, is get up and have a good mooch on his shelves.
He always says that I've seen it all before, but I know he's had another arrange or two since my last visit so there's always a little something I may have missed or something new has been added.

He's just so brilliant at putting things together,  grouping old and new bits together and putting something tres tres expensive next to a treasure from Poundland
It's something I aspire to and I think I am getting there, if slowly...........
........ but Marc will always be the master.  
I know am terrible for mooching on other peoples shelves but I guess you have to know who is happy for you to do it and those who don't like it, perhaps thinking that you are really checking up to see if they have dusted!!!
I think Marc's kitchen window shelves are my favourite, illuminated with blue fairy lights and encompassing a proper diverse eclectic mix. 

Very expensive designer cactus lights and vases sit next to Poundland ones, a tiny man out walking his dog stands next to a bejewelled elephant.  I thought I had got them in shot, but somewhere amongst all the treasures are the three giraffes we bought in Poundland (shown yesterday), they looked like they "belonged" and had been there forever.  I am sure Marc will mooch similarly at mine when he comes down, and no doubt we will hit the charity shops of Evesham in an effort to find for other "prize" bits and pieces with which to proliferate our shelves even more.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun times. You and Marc have such a special friendship.


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