Monday 29 April 2019

Three Cactus Cards Using The Works 3D Cactus Stickers

These cards each measure 5 3/4ins x 5 3/4ins and are made using hand cut blanks.
I am so chuffed with how these cards have turned out. Cactus’s continue to be very en trend, but when I first saw the 3D stickers in The Works, I only bought one pack, not having a clear idea of how I would/could use them.
Then I remembered the 12ins x 12ins Mexican Madness paper pad I got in Hobbycraft reduced from £10 to £3.50 and that was it!
I kept things very simple, as is my want these days, covering the whole of the each card blank with papers from the pad. The proportion of the designs was just perfect, something I have a “thing” about.
I  mat and layered a scrap of white card onto silver mirror card before adding two of the cactus stickers and clusters of three dots here and there using a black fine liner pen.  Two cards in a matter of minutes and suitable for either sex and a whole variety of occasions.  Needless to say I have since returned to The Works for a couple more packets after seeing their versatility.
They also have packs of 3D pineapples which I originally dismissed as not being “my sort of thing”, but as there is also a pineapple design in the paper pad, it was worth a pound just to experiment.  I find with The Works you should buy something you fancy when you see it.  Stock varies from store to store, and where some crafty products seem to stay on the shelves for ages, others disappear quickly never to be seen again. I use their online shop an awful lot especially when there is a 30% off offer on  to buy things I know the Evesham branch doesn’t have. 


  1. Your cactus cards turned out great! I love succulents and have a couple in pots in my house. Also, I just made a set of notecards with cacti on them. I'll feature them on my blog in the coming days.

  2. Love the Cactus cards, looking forward to seeing what you make with the pineapples.



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