Monday 6 May 2019

OMG ….. NO Excuses - My Sock Zebra

This post combines a recent Charity Shop Tut acquisition and my complete lack of any recognisable sewing skills ……  it also gives you all a good laugh for a Monday morning.
What can I say?  What on earth possessed me to buy anything remotely related to  “an art” that instantly gives me itchy gums?  I think because it was only 50p and as the little ones were coming over perhaps helping Nanny sew might be be an “interesting” diversion!
Well, I saw the task out right to the bitter end, yes my gums itched and yes I hated every single moment but from my labours Zebra was born, with Iris insisting he slept with her that night and me telling her to be gentle with him as I didn’t think he would stand up to much handling.  Needless to say, he appeared at breakfast minus one eye and both nostrils.
I will leave you to compare and contrast just how successful I was in replicating said zebra pictured on the box!


  1. Your zebra may be a bit misshapen, but he still looks mighty loveable. I can see why Iris claimed him as her sleeping partner.

  2. A totally unique & bespoke, hand crafted Zebra. I think all we ever see is what’s wrong but Iris clearly loved him.


  3. lol look john sold his sock monsters for £25 each and i think your zebra is much better lol fab i love it big love marc


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