Thursday, 25 July 2019

Toilet Roll Covers by Pat Ashforth and Steve Plummer

Well, what can I say except that Christmas is well and covered as far as I am concerned this year ..... and I am sooooooo excited.
I found this book reduced to £1 in The Works and just couldn't not buy it as I was mesmerised by its contents.  I haven't knitted since I moved to Evesham, I actually gave all my knitting needles to the charity shop. All only thing I'd been knitting in the past six/seven years were my a much requested cotton, garter stitch dish clothes.
However, I now have an urgent need to get some new needles (I know just the right charity shop where I can get them for 20p a pair) and then some wool (pink to get me started) as I am really fired up! Marc sprang immediately to mind as he absolutely loves all things knitted ...... he's definitely, if you'll pardon the expression, going to get the pig!
At festive family get togethers it's my job to fill the TUT sack, (a sack of usually pretty rubbish presents, tut, costing no more than £1 each) so I think a few choice knitted items are going to find their way into said sack!
Knitting will also be a way to, hopefully, stop me snacking while I am watching television, a terrible, terrible habit I know. We have booked to go to Disneyland, Paris next summer and am definitely not going to be the fat nanny who is banned from or who can't go on any of the rides!
As soon as I have finished my first effort you can all be assured that you will be there for the first great reveal. 
How exciting ........  something new ....... happy days!


  1. The book looks fantastic-my crazy friend would absolutely love it. Might try looking on our branch of The Works for it. Happy Knitting.


  2. Oh dear. So now we know what the boys are getting for Christmas. The mind boggles. Hugs
    Erm I am away for Christmas!

  3. I cannot wait to see your knitted projects. I just know they are going to be awesome!


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