Thursday 15 August 2019

Badge Making With Bertie

Bertie isn't a really crafter, he is far more interested in machines and how they work, particularly Henry Hoovers and blenders, in fact when he is drawing, he is watching the interaction of the pen with the paper rather than what he is actually drawing,  which is something to behold.
His Grandy-Andy would have just adored him. I can see them now in the garage together doing pipes and tools and stuff, with Andy gently explaining everything to him and then letting him have a go himself  .......... 
.......... and it's weird his obsession with plumbing and pipes which has come from nowhere,  someone is guiding him I am sure, but I digress .......

That said, when Bertie suddenly announces that he wants to make badges for all the ladies at nursery  I know he means business, as he rarely initiates any sort of creative activity .
Even when the Badge-It got temperamental and produced one or two mangled badges, Bertie would sigh, chuckle and then we'd start all over again. 

He was so focused, we made seven badges in all, and never once did he flag or looked as if he'd had enough.  As he started each badge he named the person it was for so I could write the label for it's bag.
I tell you that afternoon I had to wipe away quite a few surreptitious tears.
Sadly I only took one picture of one of the badges, to be honest I was far more engrossed trying to capture this precious little boys kind, gentle and curious nature and our very special time together.


  1. He is so adorable. He still has a softness to him reminiscent of a toddler. those badges will be treasured! What a great Nana you are--so patient and kind, letting him explore his creativity while he learns the joy of giving to others.

  2. my boy knows a good drainpipe when he sees one and what he doesn't know about Christmas decs is not worth knowing he is such a sweetheart
    your grandkids are so well behaved polite and just fun to be around, they are really good kids big love marc


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