Tuesday 13 August 2019

Guest Crafter - My Daughter Lucy

As you know Lu and I love a Greek holidays and a Greek church.  I have Greek icons in various forms all round my flat but  then Lu decided to take one step further and ordered this beautiful cross stitch to work on.
It didn't take her long, despite all the fiddly diddly gold thread, which she said was an absolute nightmare as gold thread tends to knot very easily, but the results are stunning.  There are even little jewels to make it pop even more.  I know for one Marc will absolutley love it too.

As you know I loathe sewing with a passion, any attempt I make always results in an acute bout of itchy gums.  The detail of the face, well what can I say. I admit to having a very severe dose of icon envy.
It also gives us a mission when we go out on one of our mooching trips as Lu now needs to find a frame for it.  Me? I think I would go for something secondhand, in brown wood and quite heavy, like the icons we see in the Churches we visit, but Lu wants to go all white.  We shall see ...... and I will report back to you when we have lift off!

And just to make you smile ..........


  1. O.M.G, she did a fabulous job! What a gorgeous image, painstakingly stitched. You have an amazing daughter. Love the adage in the second cross-stitch, too. ha ha

  2. It's beautiful, well done Lu, hope you find just the right frame soon

  3. i know she has made this for me lol and i want a really over the top gold frame with cherubs on each corner or two flying across the top holding a banner between them lol big camp love marc


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