Tuesday 22 October 2019

Quick, No Frills Halloween Lanterns

It was Bertie who gave me this idea .........
I had left a pop bottle on the radiator in the hall to take out to the bins when he looked at me with his serious face and said "Nanny, you could craft with that!" ....... which got me thinking!
It's nothing fancy or particulaly inventive, I have simply cut the bottom off a bottle, very crudely  covered it with a layer of green/orange tissue paper, using PVA glue ........
...... and then added a very basic Halloween type face, followed by a couple more coats of watered down PVA before being left to dry.
When all the lanterns were dry I punched a hole on either side of them to tie a string handle which I think I will probably hang the lanterns from on the back fence, in the garden, with perhaps the help of a plastic tie.
I thought I should try them out in darkened surroundings i.e my windowless bathroom, to see how they would look in the dark .......
I think they will be fine, I just need to get some new battery tea lights as the ones I used in the try out were quite old.

All these lanterns and any more I make or find, plus glow sticks etc. will form part of a trail in the back garden creating a spooky "Midnight Walk" for Iris and Bertie during our special Halloween Sleepover  I am just praying for a dry night as I am not sure how long the PVA glue will last in wet/damp conditions!


  1. Excellent inspiration from the youngest of the crafting crew! I hope you'll take a photo of the back garden when all the lights and Halloween decorations are in place and share it on the blog.

  2. What a brilliant idea & you have Bertie to thank!



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