Wednesday 20 November 2019

Guest Crafter Bertie And His Printed Nursery Christmas Card

Awwww, Bertie isn't especially keen on drawing and painting which makes this card extra special ........ plus I am just a very proud Granny, so please bear with me!
I am reliably informed that it's Santa in the middle of his "design" and one of the first "people" Bertie has drawn and I presume the background is a copy taken of one of his finger paintings.
It's all part of a fundraising idea where families can not only order Christmas cards with this design, but also gift tags, wrapping paper, notebooks, stickers and mugs, to mention a few.  It's the mugs that I have my beady eye on to give as gifts, but before I put in my order I need to stand back to see if Mum and Dad have a similar idea, but I am determined that one way or another a mug will be mine!  Did I mention how proud I am?!!??!!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww. That is adorable! I love the arc of colored dots. It wraps around "Santa" like a warm blanket. Please do share a photo of your mug when you get it.


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