Monday 30 December 2019

A Choice Piece of Christmas Tut For Marc

Writing posts between Christmas and New Year isn't an easy task, we're all pretty occupied and although, perhaps, champing at the bit to use the crafty presents we may have received, I don't think anyone is really up to writing about or making anything over this period, so instead I hope this post simply brings a smile to your face .........
As you all know both Marc and I belong to the Charity Shop S*** page on Facebook and earlier in December I wrote that I had found something " really special" for him to go in his Christmas Stocking to make him smile too, but couldn't reveal all until he'd actually unwrapped it, for fear of spoiling the surprise .......
Well, today ..... here it is ......  in all it's unadulterated and wonderful glory!  Can I add that this was before I gave it a beeping good wash because when I found/rescued it, it was absolutely filthy! Made of resin, without any makers marks or indication of possible age,this beauty cost me all of 50p from the Vale Wildlife Charity Shop in Evesham ...... and yes, the antennas on both of the caterpillars heads are very springy and full of erm....... movement!!!
I have a very strong feeling that if The Antiques Roadshow turns up near Marc or I in the coming year we will feel compelled to very carefully wrap said object up in cotton wool and bubble wrap and then queue for hours in order to have it correctly identified by an expert and naturally valued!  Who knows, this time next year one or both of us could be millionaires ...... in our dreams!

1 comment:

  1. Too funny. What a great find. Would love to have seen Marc's expression when he opened it.


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