Sunday 8 December 2019

Iris's Eraser Nativity Scene

Something to make you smile today.
I found Paperchase Nativity erasers set in a charity shop for £1.49, and although I thought Joseph and the shepherds looked ever so slightly dubious, I also thought that perhaps Iris and I might be able to do something with them.
Suffice to say Iris loved with them and embraced with them in her usual creative flair and enthusiasm A box was duly sourced and covered with no frills, brown parcel tape in an effort to keep said box together by Nanny and then Iris weaved her magic on the inside providing back door and straw on the floor.
And then for good measure, ensuring all festive bases were covered, she then added the Santa set of erasers I got from The Works.  I think it's all rather beautiful, bless her.

Because of all the tiny pieces involved in both sets of rubbers I did insist on gluing the characters  together first with a really strong glue before they were "played" with.  It was a bit of a learning curve, however if I ever see similar sets, perhaps at Easter, I might now consider using them again as a different sort of embellishment to put in a diorama or printers tray for example.


  1. It looks like Iris had a lot of fun. Perhaps her Granny did, too?

  2. Well done Iris, I bet she was so proud of herself!


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