Tuesday 25 February 2020

Easter Rabbit Brooch/Pin

This wooden brooch/pin is a bit of an experiment ............
I like it as it is, plain and simple, but I can also see how it could be embellished a little bit more, by adding perhaps tiny eyes, bows on the necks, a tiny white tip on the tails and some faux stitching round the egg???????
However, this first effort was to see if the wooden bunny and eggs shapes had the potential I thought they might have after seeing them on The Works website.  There are thirty shapes in each pack in three graded sizes.
For the brooch I chose the largest egg along with two middle sized rabbits.
I covered the egg with a spring type patterned paper and coloured the rabbits with a Sharpie pen, before gluing them in place in front of the egg, and then sealing it all with several coats of Gloss Lustre Modge Podge.  When everything was dry I turned it over and added the pin fastening.
The brooch measures 7.5cms at its widest, from tail to tail and stands 5.5cms tall.  

I think the idea works, I am thinking of making them for all the staff in Bertie's nursery class for Easter, using different coloured rabbits and papers, after experimenting a bit more with the aforementioned extra embellishments, so watch this space ........


  1. That makes a very nice seasonal brooch. I could see gluing the three different sizes of eggs together, too, after decorating them, and making a brooch out of that. So many possibilities!

  2. another good idea which for the staff is so much different from the norm


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