Tuesday 18 February 2020

Two Snowflake Christmas Tree Baubles

It's never too early for a couple more Christmas baubles!
I already had a box of medium sized, translucent baubles from Paperchase from way back when that needed to be used. So far this year I've used four to put wired beads in them, these two will make six, which then leaves me with two for another idea ....... and I am already thinking Halloween!
The slightly puffy, glitter, snowflake stickers came from Lldl, picked up at the till without a second thought and then not used in time for Christmas 2019, but then you can never have too many snowflakes.
From past experience I knew that they have a good stick to them, so I simply placed them straight on to the baubles.  I think they should last the distance, but if they should start to peel at the ends before they get used this year, a dab of clear, strong glue should fix it.  I was quite surprised that just two smallish baubles used up almost the whole sheet.
I then added a clear, flat backed gem to the centre of each snowflake to complete the effect.  I know I am on a minimum crafty spend this year, but should I be so tempted, a few really sparkly Swarovski crystal gems would be a good investment for projects like this.
I am so chuffed with how they have turned out, the pictures don't really do them justice, but they really do look expensive and top end, if I do say so myself!


  1. wow, those look 'posh' now lol, I did not get around to decorating my baubles either, I wanted to do one for my great granddaughter

  2. Your baubles are gorgeous! That was such a nice assortment of snowflakes, and perfect for the job at hand.


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