Thursday, 16 April 2020

Clapping For Our Carers ....... And In Particular Someone Very Special.

Tonight I will be outside at 8 o'clock with my saucepan lid and wooden spoon making as much noise as possible to thank all the carers and key workers during this awful time we find ourselves in.
There is one very special young lady who will be very much in my mind and heart, my beautiful niece Emily who is working at the Royal Stoke University Hospital as a Pharmacist.
She is currently working all hours god sends, taking on goodness knows how many extra shifts and then returning home totally exhausted, to start again the next day. I just don't know how these very special, selfless people do it, running into the face of danger, praying that the rest of us are following the direction to stay at home, protecting them from the unthinkable.  


  1. We all know of someone who work in the NHS but unless you really know them then then you have no idea of the stress we’re under just doing our job right now. No social distancing in hospital pharmacy!



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