Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Sam’s Study

OMG, never have my eyes been so crossed or my fingers so stuck together!
Please, please, please don’t look at all the strands of glue I’ve left,  I know they need cleaning off, but after putting this tiny cabinet together, I was in no mood to start scrapping them off. I absolutely hated every single minute of making it, but on the other hand I was a little bit chuffed that I had seen it through to the bitter end ……
Sam's Study
I know all the way through this project Sam’s Study is going to be a total love/hate relationship, but I won’t be beat, it just might take a very long time time to complete ……….
…….. especially when summoning up the courage to go back to an item when it is completely dry to tidy it up ……… all I am saying is aghhhhhhhhhhh


  1. But think how pleased and accomplished you'll feel when it's all put together. It's definitely worth the struggle!

  2. Interesting write up but I’m unable to see your photos now. All I get is a blank white box,


  3. It’s the main reason my daughter gave up on the caravan kit! Too fiddly.... even for Fiddle Fart ....


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