Friday 22 May 2020

Marc’s Beautiful Babies

Its seems to have become quite a tradition for me to enjoy all the pleasures that are Eurovision with Marc particularly as it also coincides with his birthday, plus the annual plant sale in Martley, a nearby village near Marc and Rick’s Worcester Cottage.  It’s always a lovely weekend, but alas, due this blooming Covid-19, this year it’s not to be, bum!
Sylvac Bassett Hound
With this in mind, it was really spooky that just before meltdown I not only found one but two ceramic basset hounds in the antiques centre in Evesham, let’s just say I pounced on them, pleased as punch,  that I had found part of Marc’s birthday present so well in advanced (and add to his collection) …….. especially with one (above) being Sylvac ……
….. and the other one, with his tail held up in the air, which, Marc tells me is a true characteristic of a basset hound.
Bassett Hound Ornament.
Sadly, I have had to put them in the post instead of enjoying Marc and Rick’s wonderful company, garden, out of this world food and ………….
3 Bassett Hounds on a sofa
……. fighting with these three reprobates, Hetty, Piccolo and Tilly …….
……. for just the smallest space on the sofa! 
What are they like, if not totally beautiful?

1 comment:

  1. That is quite the trio! They definitely rule the couch, don't they? How nice that they have these furry friends to distract them during the lockdown.


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