Thursday, 4 June 2020

Christmas Past And Future ……..

Sorry this post contains the C word ……. in June!!!!
I don’t know how, but I was very remiss after Christmas this year  when I didn’t post the handcrafted cards I received, which has been, over the years, something of a Fiddle Fart tradition.
Handmade Christmas Cards.
So, when I found them all safely put away while having yet another tidy up during this flipping lockdown, I thought, well,  better late than ever.
Handmade Christmas Cards
Roll of drums and with a huge thank you to Mrs A, Tilly, Denise, Di, Maisie, Michelle …….
cosss stitch robin Christmas card
….. and Karen, whose card, I am afraid, I had taken apart as I want to frame the beautiful cross stitched robin so it’ll continue to make me smile for many, I hope, Christmases to come …… only I can’t get out to look for one, bum!
Which got me thinking about this coming Christmas ……… I have an idea for The Monkeys, I just need to organise a photo session, but that’s about it as I have a spooky feeling that this year is going to be a different kind of Christmas especially if this retched virus is still around. Can you imagine Christmas shopping if we still have to adhere to social distance rules and have to queue outside for goodness knows how long, if we even have any shops left by then!  Sadly, I, along with many others,  will probably be doing most of my shopping online, doesn’t bring that Christmas tingly sort of feeling with it and will be yet another blow to the small, independent shops.
It also means that I need to come up with some sort of flat and lightweight Christmas decorations (to keep postage down) in place of cards, something to keep, like Karen’s cross stitch, that can come out year after year …….. guess I’ll be spending an awful lot of time on Pinterest looking for inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine not being able to shop in the stores for Christmas! I've got 10 grandkids to buy gifts for. Yeesh. It may have to be a gift card Christmas.


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