Monday 8 June 2020

Christmas Scene Decoration With Tiny House And Snowman

In the beginning I thought  that I would only ever make three of these tiny Christmas scene decorations ……….
Tiny Driftwood type house Christmas Scene with tiny snowman
……. because to start of with it was all about the tiny snowman, originally bought on eBay from China about two years ago, he was in almost perfect proportion to the little wooden house and Christmas trees, but I only had three of them.
micro snowmen
I then wasted far too much time when I could have actually been crafting trying to find some more, but when I did, in the US for just under two dollars for two, the postage made my eyes water, between £22 and £34 …… I don’t think so!!!
Tiny Wooden House Tiny Snowman
I had almost resigned to just using the three, because without the snowman the scene just didn’t have the same ahhhhh factor, but then I thought, I wonder if I have the patience to make my own using some of the Air Dough I had. I admit I was sceptical……..
….. but I did it !  I am so proud!!  How sad is that? Made of five tiny decreasing balls of dough, the tiniest being the pom pom on the hats, I had a feeling I had done it, but the proof of the pudding was adding the details using ultra fine tipped pens, OMG it worked, and once the snowmen had a face, they had a character. 
The final touch to them was two equally tiny scraps of brown jewellery wire for the arms.  I can’t believe it.  My goodness they are weeny!
Once I knew I had the snowmen in the bag,  I was prepared to invest my time in putting the scenes together. First the base made by gluing two wooden dominoes together and then painting the top and sides with a couple of coats of white match pot paint from Wilko
The small wooden houses came from a toy wooden village set Marc bought me from a carboot for just 10p!  There were forty assorted items in the box, which should keep me going for ages, as and when more inspiration strikes. (I have since seen smaller similar sets in Poundstretcher)
I accentuated the windows and doors of the houses with a white gel pen, put a small nail tack on the roof for the chimney. This was tricky, which meant on quite a few occasions I used a piece of masking tape to cover over any damage, before applying several coats of white paint to the roof to ensure that the red colour didn’t bleed through to the snowy texture applied in two/three layers using Aleene’s white glitter snow.
The little trees came from Baker Ross and are again in perfect proportion to the house.  When the bases were dry  I applied two/three layers of Aleene’s snow effect  I made two holes to hold the bottom bit of wire of the trees in place, adding an extra dollop of PVA glue around the bottom for good measure.
Tint house christmas scene
I was then ready to glue the house in position and touch up any bits of  snow I had missed.
Driftwood House Christmas Scene
The final touch was adding the snowman, I can’t tell you how thrilled I am with the result.  These will be fairing gifts for family and friends instead of a Christmas card ……. that’s it I can bear to part with them …….. or perhaps they would make a very cute place setting at the festive table?


  1. Beautiful holiday miniatures! They will make lovely gifts or table decorations. I'm happy for you that you creatively figured out how to obtain more snowmen.

  2. The Christmas scene is so cute, they’re lovely.


  3. How I wish I had your patience with tiny stuff !!
    They are a work of art and beauty, well done on the snowman front lol


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