Tuesday 23 June 2020

Experimental Microscope Slide Christmas Tree Decoration

There are some ideas that, if I don’t master, they still continue to “worry” at me until I can’t bear it any longer and I have to have another bash at them and microscope slide decorations are one of those ideas I just can’t let go of, I still feel the need to master them, so my apologies if you see quite a few of them appearing over the coming weeks/months.

microscope slide Christmas decoration

I got my Ranger Melting Pot out to try faux soldering again after watching a couple of demos on YouTube.


I decided, as this was just an experiment, to keep things basic.  I took two scraps of a subtle snow print paper, putting them back to back between two microscope slides.


I then gently dragged each edge, one at a time in the melted embossing powder from the bottom of the pan towards the top.  The results were encouraging.


I decorated both sides of the sealed microscope slide with textured, glittery, white snowflake stickers (from Lidl). 


However, it’s always been the fixing for the hanging thread that I have had the main problem with, nothing I have tried up till now has looked aesthetically pleasing or been that durable, this time I tried 6mm ribbon clasps. Again, sadly I am not 100% with the results.  The size 6mm is brilliant, but because they are primarily meant to be used on ribbon/leather etc. they have teeth, and I can see them, aghhh …… and on top of that they take a little effort to pinch them closed and that risks, after all that fiddle fart cracking the glass or the faux soldering, so yet again I need to think of something else that give me the “professional” look I am after.


Because the melted embossing powder sets almost as soon as it leaves the pan it is almost impossible to embed a fixing into it, which would seem to be the simplest idea.  Gluing a fixing on top of the faux soldering is haphazard, looks messy and is not that secure. 


Of course I could just go round the edges with narrow, self adhesive, aluminium tape but once again I have the problem of securing a fixing along the top because I like the back to look as neat as the front.  I know this is just me being super fussy, but if you have any other ideas they would be very gratefully received as it’s driving me mad!

1 comment:

  1. I'm certain you'll figure it out. The only thing that comes to my mind is to create a thin wire loop with the ends between the pieces of paper. Then bend it out of the way when you're dragging the edges through the melted embossing powder. I imagine you'd have to quickly (super quickly) bend it back into position as you lifted the top edge out of the melted embossing powder. I'm not sure if that would work, but it's all I could think of.


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