Wednesday 12 August 2020

Guest Crafter – My Auntie Beth With Her Decoupaged Surf Board

Lockdown has certainly bought out my Aunties creative side in Bude ………

Decoupaged Surf board

This is the full sized surf board she decoupaged using goodness knows how many designs coloured and cut out from her colouring books and then given several coats of yacht varnish!

It sold, for an undisclosed sum to a holidaymaker from London!  She is now working on smaller versions using body boards.


  1. Wow! Looks like your family tree has more great crafters in its branches. Kudos to your aunt for completing such a big decoupage project.

  2. well done Auntie, a little money maker and kept busy in the bargin lol

  3. That is absolutely amazing, it's so beautiful.
    Debbie x


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