Thursday 3 September 2020

The Connection Between Live Writer, Changes to Blogger and Not Being Able to Save Pictures to Pinterest - Answers On A Postcard Please!

This is just a little information/winge for fellow Blogger bloggers who, like me, may have had difficulty in saving pictures of their projects to Pinterest recently......

As you know I have used a programme called Live Writer to set out my blog posts before publishing via Blogger for almost forever.  I just loved Live Writer because it was far easier to arrange a post, allowing you to add watermarks and borders to photos, as well as size and arrange them on the page far better than Blogger, a very common complaint with other users, which is why Live Writer was so beloved among bloggers.

A while back there were huge problems with Live Writer being "retired" and therefore no longer being updated, which meant changes to Google photos had a massive impact on bloggers (including myself), in the end, GitHub took it over and miraculously created a fix after many months of hard work. In the meantime I had to readjust to using the clunky Blogger interface, so it was a great relief eventually when I was finally able to rekindle my relationship with Live Writer after downloading the new fix.

Then just recently Blogger changed their interface again, I had to move over to it but only used it as a vehicle to publish my Live Writer posts through,  and that's when, in hindsight, my problems saving my photos to Pinterest started.  To start with it was hit and miss, then became an outright refusal to save. I spent a whole flipping day, uninstalling the Pinterest "save" button, I even e-mailed Pinterest (still waiting for that reply!). I am pretty convinced (like the last time) there must be some connection between Google and Blogger that is preventing this, as I need a Google account to log into my blogs, but I haven't been able to work it out yet and don't think I have the will to now!

However, in the end something made me try simply writing a post with pictures using the new Blogger interface, publishing it and then seeing if I could save the pictures .......of course it worked!

I have put the issue on GitHub but I doubt it will be picked up, however I am sure I am not the only blogger who has been affected.   So sadly I am back to using Blogger for FiddleFart in order to save projects/pictures to Pinterest.  

If anyone has had a similar problem and solved it I would just love to know

1 comment:

  1. For quite sometime I've written my blog posts in Word,then copied them over to my blog and added photos. Trying to write straight into Blogger was so stressful - fonts changing on their own, sentences centring themselves when everything else was left justified. Drove me nuts!!! So much easier to copy and paste from Word.


Thank you for wanting to leave a comment. I HATE verification and apologise for the extra bother it causes, however, if I don't have it I get all sorts of dubious spam added and the comments would be bogged down utter ***p!

Occasionally I get comments on posts from several years ago, again, I have to apologise, copies of TEMPLATES etc. that I once offered are now NO LONGER AVAILABLE, when my last computer died, I lost everything and decided not to replace any them.