Tuesday 1 September 2020

Wooden Halloween Bat Pin Badge Brooches

I think at least four of these pin badge/brooches will find themselves in crackers for my annual Halloween sleepover party later on in the year, Covid-19 obliging.

The badges were made using MDF bats found on eBay, mini Christmas dominoes that I buy specifically for crafting and starry patterned paper.

Christmas Dominoes and tiny mdf bats

The plain side of the dominoes were coloured using a black Sharpie pen and the fronts covered with the paper.

MDF Bats

The bats were also coloured in black on both sides and then glued to the front of the domino with two tiny red flat back gems added for eyes.

Halloween Bat Brooch Badge Pin

On a few I added a “boo” using my Dymo label maker, but I wasn’t sure if I liked that idea or not.

Wooden Halloween Bat Brooch Pin Badge

I wish I had then simply varnished the front with PVA glue instead of using a generous layer of Ranger Glossy Accents ……

Wooden Halloween Bat Brooch

……. because I think it’s given them too much shine and somehow the bats and background are lost under it, but that being said taking pictures so close up don’t exactly do them justice. 

Wooden Halloween Bat pin badge brooch

I then had another “play” with the idea, using a plain orange background paper and without the Glossy Accents to see if I was right.

Wooden Bat Brooch, pin badge

Hmmmmmm, I am still not sure, I now don’t like the Glitter Modge Podge I added to the orange paper to seal it ….. and I don’t think the white dots on the bats add anything either. I think I could fine tune the idea again, but to be honest there are only so many badges we can wear on the day …… so perhaps I’ll just leave it at that ……. for now.

1 comment:

  1. Another fun idea from the most creative person in the UK! These are fun. I think there are lots of people out there who would have fun wearing them on and around Halloween.


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