Monday 19 October 2020

Halloween Haunted House Skeleton Tree Decorations

I can’t tell you how much I adored putting these little Halloween decorations together, when you’ve had a barren crafty patch like I have had, something like this can really put you back on track again.

Yes, the idea is very similar to other house type decorations I have made over the past few months, but I these are my favourite by far.  The houses are made using small, coloured craft sticks from Hobbycraft (pack of 50 assorted colours for £1)

The MDF skeletons came from eBay, the ones used measure 40mm and 30mm, I also got some that measure 20mm, they are teeny tiny but I have yet to find a project for them.  The heads are separate from the body which gives you a little wriggle room to pose them. I gave the skeletons two coats of white Posca pen followed by another two, using an iridescent Spectrum Noir Sparkle pen to give them an extra spooky twinkle.  The MDF bats were also from eBay and were coloured black and then given two tiny, green nail art eyes.


I added the skeletons to the house and then added the green Dovecraft Enamel Effects to the roof and shelf, it has been my top find of 2020, it’s brilliant, it goes on like a dream and the shiny, gloopy effect it gives to any Halloween project is just fantastic and makes the piece.


While the Enamel Effects was still wet I was able to add the bats knowing that they would be well secured.

The whole thing was finished off with three white dots on the bats, and five tiny silver stars scattered in the background.


On the back I added a confetti web and spider, a silver bail so that the decoration could be hung and for continuity coloured the back of the bats black and the skeletons white.


I think I have said over the years but I just love the purples, yellows, oranges, and greens generally associated with Halloween, if I could find a way of using them for Christmas I would, without being/looking disrespectful to the celebration ……. but green snow ……. hmmmmm!


  1. I love making Halloween crafts, too. I ALWAYS have fun making Halloween cards for the grandkids. The colors are fun and the subject matter is always a hoot! Your decorations turned out so perfectly. There will be some very happy recipients!

  2. The Halloween decorations look fantastic.



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