Tuesday 8 December 2020

Ricks Framed Plastered Wall Birthday Card

This card measures 5ins x 5ins and uses a white linen effect hand cut card blank


This card is just a bit of fun made for Marc’s partner Rick’s birthday.  Marc and Rick are in the middle of refurbishing their cottage in deepest Worcestershire and while waiting for the damp course to be done they did a quick wallpaper strip and paint over job in the hall just to fresh it all up. 


Rick had to do a bit of temporary plastering, but rather than cover it up, decided to accentuate it by painting it grey, to go with the rest of the paintwork and then frame it, using old picture frames, again painted grey, leftover from his various exhibitions/shows.  How brilliant is that?


So, in homage,  I too painted a wooden embellishment frame grey, placing it over a patch of grey card that I’d added a swirl or two of PA glue to give the plaster some texture to create the card.


…….. simples!


  1. I am certain he will LOVE this very personalized card!

  2. Hello Helen and boys
    I just want to say a great big THANK YOU for my wonderful Christmas gift, it was such a surprise as I thought these were going to close friends and rellies ! both the brooch and the stable are magnificent,they far outshine any of my crafting attemps lol...I love the tiny baby and the peak of his blanket (attention to detail ) hehehe I am having a clean-up today, windows done and on to polish and dusting, hopefully to put up a few lights and tinsel as I hope to see my great grand-daughter and family over Christmas. This manger will take pride of place in all of this and treasured for years to come
    Grateful thanks again xxx


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